Friends of Drake Well, Inc.
Friends of Drake Well, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) community-based organization, ensures that Drake Well Museum and Park continues to grow and succeed in its educational mission.
Members make it possible for Friends of Drake Well to support educational programs, maintain favorite exhibits, and create new experiences. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Friends of Drake Well, learn about member benefits.
- Emily Weaver, Executive Director,
- Toni Brown, Visitor & Curatorial Services
- Vacant, Bookkeeper
- Vickie Ruppersberg, Museum Store Manager
- Frances "Corky" Fulton, Museum Store Clerk
- Gene Hale, John Hetrick, Dave Mock, Seasonal Replica Operators
- Vacant, Pithole Coordinator
Board of Directors
- Barry E. Cressman, President
- Emily Altomare, Vice President
- Alfonso Rickerson, Treasurer
- Tamera Ochs Rothschild, Secretary
- Joseph H. Carter, Jr.
- Robert J. Felton
- Lawrence Fledderman
- Kelly Anderson Gregg
- Gerald Knickerbocker
- Donald Rog
- Jason Ruggiero
- Megan Sternagel
- Michael Knecht, PHMC Site Administrator for Drake Well Museum and Park (ex officio)
- Emily Weaver, Executive Director of Friends of Drake Well, Inc. (ex-officio)
View our Annual Report for FY 2023-24 here!